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篇名 論台灣博物館時代流變暨觀光展示
卷期 11:3
並列篇名 Study of Transformation of Taiwan Museums and Tourism Exhibiting
作者 蘇明如
頁次 169-192
關鍵字 博物館文化觀光文化創意產業文化多樣性文化政策MuseumCulture TourismCultural and Creative IndustriesCultural DiversityCultural Policy
出刊日期 201409


博物館作為當代全球文化觀光發展之重要領域。木文以質性研究紮根理論為主, 透過國 內外博物館相關文獻, 逐字逐句的編碼, 將資料分解並概念化,田野調查、資料搜集分析以 及文獻閱讀交互進行,將台灣博物館百年流變, 以典範精神之移轉,進行分期整飾,姐民主 義( 1 9 0 0 s - 1 9 4 0 s )、國族主義( 1 9 5 0 s 一1 9 6 0 s )、現代主義( 1 9 7 0 s 一1 9 8 0 s )、社區主義( 1 9 9 0 s 至今) , 瞭解台灣博物館事業百年來與觀光展示息息相關, 從早期做為種民地風土櫥窗, 到 中華文化之正統,而後社會教育政策下的校外參訪社教機構,以及今日的各類型博物館成為 台灣城鄉觀光資源,亦論及國際博物館界當下媒合文創觀光之趨勢。博物館的觀光展示, 可 作為理解差異促進和平的可能,更是文化創造力的創意來源,是故,文化多樣性應作為未來之博物館觀光政策, 以政策引導執行之主要精神。然而目前台灣並未有實質政策推動。本文以為, 台灣不應自外於全球博物館社群與觀光及文創產業媒合之趨勢, 故中央主管部會應積 極研擬政策,改善整體台灣城鄉博物館大環境,方能展現台灣博物館群之文創觀光能量。


Museum plays a significant role in complimentary global culture tourism. This study is based on qualitative research which decodes local and international relative literature, analyze and conceptualize information interacted with field study and data collection. It indicated the transformation of Taiwan local museums and change of idolism by dividing into Colonialism (1900s- 1940s), Nationalism (1950s- 1960s), Modernism (1970s- 1980s) and Communitarianism (1900s- now). Taiwan museums' changing is closely connected with tourism exhibiting, such as window of colony people and culture, spirit s of Chinese culture, social and educational institutes, local tourism resources, and trends of cultural and creative tourism. Tourism Exhibiting in museums could be the possibility of understanding of difference and peace making and it also could be the drive of cultural creativity. Therefore‘culture diversity should be the part of museum tourism policies. However, Taiwan has not taken any essential actions so far. This study concluded that Taiwan should not exempt itself from the global museum community and behind the trend of tourism and culture creative industries. The Authorities should proactively make polices and improve the environments of museums in Taiwan to demonstrate the cultural and creative tourism energy of Taiwan local museums.
