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篇名 小三通旅運商業模式初探:跨界與跨運具觀點
卷期 11:3
並列篇名 An Exploratory Study of Travel Transportation Business Model of Mini-Three-Links: The Perspective of Cross Border and Multi -vehicles
作者 林正士吳英偉
頁次 137-168
關鍵字 小三通協同理論商業模式跨界跨運具Mini-Three- Linkscollaborative transportationbusiness modelcross-bordermulti-vehicles
出刊日期 201409


自2 0 0 1 年金門與大陸地區的實施小三通起, 小三通入出境人吹逐年創新高, 是旅客往 來金慶最重要的交通管道。目前金慶小三通每天有44班船,平均每天載客約4 , 0 0 0 人坎, 且價格便宜,班吹密集,通關快速。旅運業者為服務旅客與節省成本,發展「一貫式J的機 加地接加船的「套票」服務。此種服務主要客源為頻繁來往於金慶兩地的商務旅客。由於受 地理因素的影響,需要利用多種不同運輸工具中轉,以海、陸、空聯合運輸的方式,克服空 間限制,縮減時間、降低成本,跨連具協同合作的服務供應鏈模式應運而生。本研究從商業 模式的理論觀點,探討小三通一貫式服務創新商業模式的內涵,本研究針對商業模式理論進 行文獻回顧,並利用文件資料分析(documentary-methods) ,以期瞭解小三通一貫式服務商 業模式現況,再採用個案研究的方法,蒐集立榮、復興、華信及遠東等航空公司和旅行社合 作之小三通套票商業模式與之驗證後,建構完成小三通一貫式服務商業模式圓。本研究發現 小三通一貫式服務商業模式有四個步驟,分別為,整合跨運具運輸業者,服務系統平台的建 墨套票服務的投入處理及產出,現場服務接觸點的運ito並歸納其關鍵因素為跨運具整合、 彈性與反應力、週邊服務、價格等。最後,本研究發現此旅連服務跨界與跨運具的獨特性和 複雜性。並針對此商業模式的特色,提出結論與未來發展方向建議。


Since the implementation of the Mini Three Links on January 1st, 2001,travel on the Taiwan-Kinmen-Xiainen Mini Three Links has become the major mode of transportation for the Taiwanese as they travel from one side of the Taiwan Straits to the other. The Taiwan-Kinmen-Xiamen iransportation route has quickly become popular due to numerous flight options, low costs, and reduced time spent in transit This study focuses on the role of the Mini Three Links with respect to travel in Taiwan, exploring its innovative business model, including the service of sea, air and ground transportation, which were integrated between different corp>orates(airlines, travel agencies, boat, and ground transportation). In geographally. Mini Three Links was further divided into different dimensions, including domestic and cross-national; in business, it needs the cooperation of aircraft, boat, and bus supplier. TTie study reviewed related literalure about business model, and used the methodology of documentary-methods to understand the business model of MTL. The study used cases study to comfirmate MTL package ticket business model of Uniair, TransAsia, Mandarin, and Fareastem airlines. And build ihe business model map of MTL package ticket service. We found it has four steps: to intergrate cross-vehicles providers, to build the platform of service system, input and output of package ticketand the operation of service encounter on spot. The study found the key success factors of MTL business mcdel. It includes intergration of cross-vehicles, flexibility and responsiveness, value-added service, and price. Based on these results, related theoretical and practical implications and suggestions for future studies are proposed at the end of this study.
