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篇名 民俗節慶策略規劃之論述評析 – 以內門宋江陣為例
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Insights to the Strategic Planning of Folk Festivals – A Case Study of Neimen Sung Jiang Battle Array Festival
作者 吳英偉陳慧玲
頁次 109-135
關鍵字 節慶活動內門宋江陣策略規劃生命周期festivalNeimen Sung Jiang Battle Arraystrategic planninglife-cycle
出刊日期 201406




Recently Taiwan actively promotes cultural tourism and as a result many festivals arise in all parts of the country. These festivals have become the distinguishing features of each place through brilliant planning and packaging, and successfully attracted large amount of visitors at home and abroad. Festivals are able to generate a great amount of tourism and also create favorable image, thus they can become the income earning tool of local economy. Different levels of public government play vital roles in the development of tourism through festivals. For example, Neimen Sung Jiang Battle Array Festival has become a representative folk festival under the coordination between public and private entities at Kaohsiung city, Taiwan. However, facing the challenges of differentiating from other similar folk festivals, festival organization need to consider and adjust its positioning for greater attractiveness. Therefore, reviewing the current situation, identifying the core values and further making a breakthrough in the development of a cultural festival has become an essential issue for the planners. Using a case study of Neimen Sung Jiang Battle Array Festival, this paper explores the strategic planning process. Both strategic planning process and event lifecycle model serve as the analytic frameworks to help identify the strengths and weaknesses of the planning and organization process. Festival planning personnel and participants were interviewed to obtain the required data. Finally, this study provides insights to festival planning and suggests marketing strategies for local governments in linking festivals and cultural tourism development.
