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篇名 探討影響綠色餐廳消費意圖在不同世代的差異:以食品相關生活型態及綠色餐廳屬性知覺觀點
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 The Affect of Different Generations on the Consumption Intentions of Green Restaurants : From the View of Food-related Lifestyle and the Green Restaurant Attributed Perception
作者 沈盈貝鍾育明林清同
頁次 081-108
關鍵字 世代食品相關生活型態綠色餐廳綠色餐廳屬性知覺消費意圖GenerationsFood-Related LifestyleGreen RestaurantGreen Restaurant Attributes PerceptionConsumption Intentions
出刊日期 201406


近年來由於環境生態遭受嚴重破壞,全球氣候變遷日益劇烈,各國對環境保 護及永續發展意識隨之提升。目前許多國家政府正積極推動服務業,餐飲業為高污染 與能源消耗的服務業,因此綠色消費觀念已成為各國關注的新興環保議題,也是未來 國內餐飲業發展趨勢。本研究的目的是探討不同世代(X、Y 及嬰兒潮世代)消費群體之 食品相關生活型態及綠色餐廳的屬性知覺對綠色餐廳消費意圖的差異。以台北區、台 中區、高雄區等三個都會區的一般消費者為主要調查的對象。回收有效樣本436 份。 研究結果顯示,在食品相關生活形態方面,具有經濟能力與社會歷練的嬰兒潮世代則 著重消費情境及購買動機。X 世代著重在購買態度/品質取向。Y 世代則無明顯顯著影 響。在綠色餐廳屬性知覺方面,嬰兒潮、X 世代著重綠色環境、永續食品/環保呈顯著 性影響。Y 世代則只有在永續食品/環保呈顯著性影響。此結果顯示台灣現今Y 世代 (19~36 歲)消費群,對於對產品的知識與品質要求較無敏感度,且相關的生活型態動 機也不明確。為提昇綠色餐廳消費意圖,綠色餐廳經營者及教育單位需對X、Y 世代加 強綠色環境、永續食品/環保觀念宣導及教育。


In recent years, intensifying damage to the ecological environment has led to radical changes in the global climate. Consequently, awareness of environmental protection and sustainability is increasing worldwide. Currently, the governments of various countries are promoting their service industries, among which the food and beverage industry is characterized by high pollution and high energy consumption. Internationally, green consumption has emerged as a trend in environmental protection, representing the direction of future developments in the Taiwanese food and beverage industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate lifestyles related to food consumption and perceptions of green restaurants, to determine the influence of these factors on the consumption intentions of various generations (i.e., the Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y) at green restaurants. Consumers from three major metropolitan areas, Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, were surveyed and 436 valid responses were retrieved. The results showed that regarding food-related lifestyles, the Baby Boomers, who possess a comparatively higher financial and social status than the other generations do, emphasize consumption environment and purchase motives. Generation X values purchase attitudes and are quality-orientated, whereas Generation Y shows no significant inclination. Regarding their perceptions of green restaurants, both the Baby Boomers and Generation X emphasize green environment, food sustainability, and environmental conservation, whereas Generation Y values food sustainability and environmental conservation only. These results indicate that currently, in Taiwan, the Generation Y consumer group (19 to 36 years old) is insensitive to product knowledge and quality and demonstrates no clear orientation of lifestyle-related motives. To increase consumers’ intention to dine at green restaurants, green restaurant operators and educational institutions must increase awareness regarding green environment, food sustainability, and environmental conservation among Generations X and Y
