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篇名 臺南稻米文化論述
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Exploring Tainan Rice Cultures
作者 潘江東掌慶琳曾裕琇
頁次 035-062
關鍵字 稻米文化米食伴手禮Rice culturesrice foodsouvenirs
出刊日期 201403


臺南地區位於擁有「臺灣米倉」之稱的嘉南平原上,長久以來以稻米為主要 栽種作物,因此農民生活方式與稻米生長時序密不可分,同時,亦衍生了許多米食相關 飲食文化,除米飯以外,尚有糕、粿、粄及粥品等米製品,由此可見「米」是臺灣飲食 文化中不可或缺的一環。 近年來臺灣觀光蓬勃發展,各地方開發屬於自有特色商品,透過口味創新研 發、獨特包裝,成為美味及美觀的特產。臺南市政府於2007 年起每年舉辦「府城十大 伴手禮」及「傳統美食」甄選活動,讓民眾到府城不僅享有豐美的飲食文化饗宴,更能 購買伴手禮餽贈親朋好友,進而創造地方新的經濟與社會價值。 本研究以稻米文化為主題,透過文獻蒐集、訪談臺南農民,記錄稻米品牌建 立過程,瞭解臺南著名米食餐飲業成立與製作過程,突顯在地米食獨特風味,並強化稻 米文化意涵之表達、進而建構米食文化知識體系及提升其附加價值,以喚起國人對稻米 文化的了解與重視。 本研究自2012 年7 月至11 月底進行十一場深度訪談,訪談對象為三位專業 種稻農民,臺南後壁區農會總幹事,及七家臺南特色米食餐飲業。研究成果可供未來行 銷宣傳、節慶活動、產業輔導及推廣教育作為參考,期透過稻米文化論述的建構,提升大眾對於臺南稻米文化知識面之瞭解,進而豐富其人文深度。


Tainan, Taiwan is located in the so-called Chianan Plain (Taiwan Rice Warehouse) where rice has long been the major agricultural product. In fact, rice production is an indispensable part of the livelihood of farmers. A wide variety of rice products such as rice cakes, rice noodles, congees have been derived ever since. As such, rice is a vital component of the food culture of many Taiwan communities. In view of the prosperous development of Taiwan’s tourism industry [in Taiwan], each and every township in Taiwan has developed its own unique souvenirs including food products. Starting from 2007, Tainan City has launched a promotional program called Ten souvenirs and traditional food contests so as to highlight the region’s rich and diverse food cultures. In turn, new economic activity and social value in Tainan can be created by selling more food souvenirs to visitors and tourists. This research focuses on the exploration of rice cultures. By means of conducting literature reviews and interviews, the contents of rice cultures and local rice delights as well as the implications of this kind of culture are identified and recognized. The results not only can enhance the understanding of the rice cultures and added values, but also evoke an awareness of and an identity for rice cultures. In total, 11 in-depth interviews were undertaken. Interviewees included 3 rice farmers, one officer of a farmers’ association in Houbi, Tainan, and 7 restaurant operators featuring rice food. The findings could serve as references for future promotional activities such as food events and industry upgrading purposes.
