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篇名 國際重大事件關係與旅遊目的地選擇研究 --- 以大學生畢業旅行為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 A study of the relationship between the major international disasters and choose the travel locations --- A case of the universities students graduation
作者 周萍芬王穎駿
頁次 023-034
關鍵字 國際重大災害事件畢業旅行major international disaster eventsgraduation travel
出刊日期 201403


近年來,國際重大災害事件的頻傳,造成旅客對於該地點選擇觀光的意願低 落。這對於旅行相關產業的經營,會有嚴重的影響。 本研究對象以大專生參加畢業旅行選擇為研究探討範疇。研究方法為敘述性 統計分析、排序分析、與t 檢定分析。研究有效問卷為1103 份。研究使用SPSS 12.0 版統計應用軟體進行研究分析。研究結果發現,對於僅有國內旅行經驗者、國外旅行 經驗者、以及國內外皆有旅行經驗者,其皆認為國內外所選擇的畢業旅行地點會出現 地震與海嘯事件的可能性為最高。研究結果亦發現,大專女性對於國際重大事件議題, 是否可能會出現在畢業旅行選擇的地點,以及出現的機率,都較男性認同來得高。研究結果提供予旅遊相關業者做為參考。


In recent years, there were major international disasters had frequently reported, will caused visitors to reduce the visit intention. The reason will be lead to the serious influence on the travel-related industries. The aim of this study is to discuss the relationship between university's students to participate in graduation trip and the major international disasters. This study to get 1103 effective questionnaires, and was used the SPSS 12.0 software to analysis. This study used the several research analysis methods to analysis data such as descriptive statistics analysis, ranking analysis, and t-test analysis. Results showed that students’ perception the travel locations were chosen at domestic and abroad there were a higher probability to occur the earthquake and tsunami events. The results also found that interviewee perception the levels of agreement of the major international disasters events items, the female were all higher than male.
