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篇名 菜單設計對餐廳經營績效之影響
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Impacts of Menu design on Restaurant Performance
作者 范雅筑黃靖淑
頁次 001-022
關鍵字 菜單設計消費意願經營績效菜單版面準實驗設計menu designpurchase intentionrestaurant performancemenu layoutquasi-experimental design
出刊日期 201403


本研究目的主要在探討菜單訊息傳遞設計對消費意願與餐廳經營績效的影響,藉由 操弄菜單設計中的兩因子來研究其對消費意願與經營績效的影響,分別為菜單的圖片有無與 菜單版面格式。本研究採用2 X 3「受測者間的因子之準實驗設計」來進行資料的收集,設 計6種不同的菜單後,在實際的25秒咖啡餐廳中進行變項的操弄實驗,並蒐集實證資料,研 究結果顯示,消費者之消費意願會隨著菜單的版面格式的不同而有顯著差異;餐廳之經營績 效也因菜單圖片的有無而有顯著的差異。兩個操弄因子之交互作用並未達到統計上的顯著效 果,本研究結果與建議可提供餐飲業者在經營管理上的參考。


The purpose of this study is to show how manipulating two variables, pictures and menu layout format, can increase the customer purchase intention and restaurant performance. This study was conducted with 2 X 3 between-subject quasi-experimental design in 25 second coffee shop, a family-style restaurant located in the Pingtung city, Taiwan. There are six different menus which were designed to manipulate the variables. The results found that there are significant differences of purchase intention among the different menu layout formats. The significant differences of restaurant performance were found simultaneously between the menu with pictures and without pictures. The interaction effect of both variables was not found significantly influenced the customer purchase intention and restaurant performance. The implications of this study can aid restaurateurs that either develop new menu, increase performance in terms of restaurant management.
