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篇名 機坪勤務人員人為因素關係模式建構與驗證
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 The SHELLO Model in Airport Ramp Ground Staffs: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach
作者 王穎駿龐琮奇周萍芬
頁次 208-218
關鍵字 機坪勤務人員人為因素SHELLO 模式機坪安全線性結構方程模式Airport ramp ground staffsHuman FactorsSHELLO ModelRamp SafetyStructural Equation Modeling
出刊日期 201312


機坪安全是提升整體飛航安全重要課題之一。本研究以國內三家航勤公司機坪人員為樣本,並 以人為因素SHELLO 分類模式為問卷調查架構,深入探究其中的人為因素議題,採用因素分析及線 性結構方程模式檢測模式構面間之因果關係。研究發現,模式中機坪人員核心能力構面分別萃取出 「自我警覺」、「程序規定」、「風險認知」三個因素;機坪人員與其他人員構面萃取出「溝通協 調」、「疏失誤解」、「領導統御」三個因素;機坪人員與組織構面萃取出「管理系統」、「員工 管理與福利」二個因素;機坪人員與環境構面萃取出「氣候環境」、「工作場所」二個因素;機坪 人員與軟體構面萃取出:「標準程序」、「手冊資訊」、「工作慣例」三個因素;機坪人員與硬體 構面萃取出:「裝備可得」、「裝備不良」二個因素。研究結果得知機坪人員SHELLO 關係模式中 有七項正向關係假設成立,驗證了本研究機坪人員核心能力及組織在機坪勤務作業中扮演的重要角 色,研究結果可提供航勤公司與主管機關參考。


Airport ramp safety is an important issue in elevating overall aviation safety. This study used the human factor SHELLO model for airport ramp personnel in an in-depth analysis of human factor issues, and used factor analysis and the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to test the causal relationships among model dimensions. The results showed that the three factors of self-alertness, procedural regulations, and risk perception were extracted from the dimension of airport ramp personnel core capacity. Three factors, communication and coordination, errors and misunderstanding, and leadership, were extracted from the dimension of airport ramp personnel and other personnel. Two factors, management system and employee management and benefits, were extracted from the dimension of airport ramp personnel and organization. Two factors, climate environment and workplace, were extracted from the dimension of airport ramp personnel and environment. Three factors, standard operating procedures, manual information, and work norms, were extracted from the dimension of airport ramp personnel and software. Two factors, accessible equipment and poor equipment, were extracted from the dimension of airport ramp personnel and hardware. In addition, seven positive correlation hypotheses in the SHELLO correlation model were established, which confirmed the importance of the core abilities of airport ramp personnel and organizations in airport ramp operations. The research results could be provided as a reference to airport ramp service companies and civil aviation authorities.
