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篇名 國際觀光旅館主管領導行為、員工組織公民行為與服務品質之研究─以創新型文化為干擾變項
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 A Study of Manager’s Leadership Behaviors, Employee’s Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Service Quality of International Tourist Hotels - Using Innovative Culture as a Moderator
作者 許順旺張姮燕黃鉅勝
頁次 157-178
關鍵字 主管領導行為組織公民行為服務品質創新型文化Leadership BehaviorsOrganizational Citizenship BehaviorService QualityInnovative Culture
出刊日期 201309


本研究以台灣地區國際觀光旅館員工為研究對象,探討員工認知的主管領導行為(魅力型領導、 轉換型領導和交易型領導)、組織公民行為、服務品質與創新型文化間的關係,本研究採便利抽樣 的方式進行問卷調查,受測對象為在國際觀光旅館工作滿三個月以上之正式員工,並以配對方式請 直屬主管填答所轄員工之服務品質。員工問卷共計發出500 份問卷,回收有效問卷403 份,有效問 卷回收率為80.6%;主管問卷共計發放100 份,回收有效問卷為81 份,有效問卷回收率為81%。研 究結果顯示,主管領導行為(魅力型領導、轉換型領導和交易型領導)與員工組織公民行為、服務 品質表現均存在顯著的正向影響;員工組織公民行為與服務品質表現存在顯著的正向影響;創新型 文化對主管的領導行為(魅力型領導、轉換型領導及交易型領導)與員工的組織公民行為產生干擾 效果。


This research aims to explore the relationship between international tourist hotel employees’ recognition of managerial leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, service quality and organizational culture in Taiwan. The questionnaire survey method was used to collect data through convenience sampling. Samples of this research are employees who have worked in the international tourist hotels in Taiwan over 3 months. The total amount of the questionnaires is 600 which 500 were dispatched to first-line employees and 100 to their supervisors. A total of 403 questionnaires from first-line employee were received, yielding a response rate of 80.6%; 81 questionnaires were received from directors, yieding a 81% response rate. The results indicated that: (1) managerial leadership behavior (including charismatic leader , transformational leader and transactional leader) had positive impact on organizational citizenship behavior and service quality; (2) organizational citizenship behaviors had positive impact on service quality; (3) innovative culture had moderate effect between managerial leadership behavior and organizational citizenship behavior; (4) innovative culture had moderate effect between charismatic leader and organizational citizenship behavior; (5) innovative culture had moderate effect between transformational leader and organizational citizenship behavior; (6) innovative culture had moderate effect between transactional leader and organizational citizenship behavior.
