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篇名 整合與分離點心食品的比對方向產生不對稱知覺偏估
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 The Comparing Directions of Integrated Versus Segregated Snack Food Generate Asymmetrical Perceptual Bias
作者 陳建中楊富茹劉佳玲
頁次 139-156
關鍵字 點心食品大小-形重錯覺完形心理整合分離snackssize-weight illusionGestalt psychologyintegrationsegregation
出刊日期 201309




Snacks packed for sale are displayed in a single portion; however, sometimes they are segregated in separate, smaller portions in a package. Prior research tended to investigate from only one direction and found that segregated objects were perceived as greater than their actual weight. However, few studies have been conducted from the opposing direction to compare single large portion with its segregated, smaller portions and their effect on consumers’ purchase intention. The results of this research, consisting of two experiments, show that with a big snack as a referent, the perceived equal amount of small snacks is overestimated, whereas with the small snacks as a referent, the perceived equal amount of the big snack is underestimated. Both perceptual biases are asymmetrical, with the latter more biased than the former. Numerous small portions of snacks have better product evaluation and purchase intention than a single, big snack portion.
