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篇名 台灣本土香蕉果泥及果餡製程開發與研究
卷期 10:3
並列篇名 Research and Development of Taiwan Banana Puree and Filling
作者 徐永鑫李允先黃湞鈺
頁次 129-138
關鍵字 香蕉泥(餡)北蕉過氧化酵素多酚氧化酵素蒸氣加熱banana pureePei-Chiaoperoxidasepolyphenol oxidasesteam heatingsteam heating
出刊日期 201309


本實驗以北蕉(Pei-Chiao)為原料,探討蒸氣加熱對香蕉泥及添加砂糖、檸檬酸對香蕉餡之影 響。以蒸氣加熱香蕉泥8 min 時,香蕉泥之多酚氧化酵素(Polyphenol oxidase, PPO)殘留活性為 2.70%、過氧化酵素(Peroxidase, POD)殘留活性為4.17%;當蒸氣加熱到10 min 時,PPO 殘留活 性僅存0.9%而POD 則無殘留活性。隨著蒸氣加熱溫度之增加,香蕉泥的b 值(黃色度)也隨之上 升,在外觀色澤上明顯保有明亮的黃色。蒸氣加熱8 min 的香蕉泥保留較多香蕉的香氣與風味,較 適合作為香蕉泥蒸氣加熱的條件。在香蕉果餡的製程方面,砂糖的添加,可提高可溶性固形物含量 及降低水活性,當香蕉果餡的砂糖添加到40%時,水活性由0%砂糖之0.934 降至40%砂糖之0.591, pH 值為4.92 並呈現出飽和且鮮明的黃色而且香氣濃郁。在消費者的喜好度品評方面,以添加砂糖 40%和檸檬酸0.4%的香蕉酥,整體的接受性最高。


The effects of steam heating, addition of sugar and citric acid on banana puree (filling) charcaterics were studied. Regarding to the physicochemical analysis of the steam-heated banana puree, the residual activity of PPO was 2.70% and the residual activity of POD was 4.17% after banana heating for 8 min. The residual activity of PPO was 0.9% and the residual activity of POD was 0% after banana heating for 10min. Both enzyme activity was inhibited, thus banana b value (yellowness) was higher after steam heating treatment. The banana puree showed more banana aroma and flavor after steam-heated for 8min, and this processing condition was suitable for banana filling processing. Adding sugar increased the total soluble solids, and decreased water activity. Sugar addition from 0% to 40%, the water activity of banana filling decreased from 0.934 to 0.591, and it was apparently showed bright yellow and full of aroma. In our studies, banana cakes adding 40% sugar and 0.4% citric acid showed highest hedonic sensory overall acceptability.
