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篇名 亞洲觀光夜市目的地意象探討
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Destination Image of Tourist Night Market in Asia
作者 翁振益賴子敬楊詩敏李文駱李淑如
頁次 069-092
關鍵字 觀光夜市目的地意象night marketdestination image
出刊日期 201306


亞洲國家獨有的夜市因具有在地特殊歷史與文化風情, 吸引許多國際旅客慕名到訪, 特別是台 灣、新加坡、馬來西亞三園。過往針對夜市目的地意象的研究大多鎖定單一目的地,較少以透過不 同國家地區比較的方式來作為該國發展的參考依據。本研究則是透過不同國家比較的方式探討其觀 光夜市在目的地意象上的差異之處。因此本研究以探討到訪台灣士林、新加坡牛車水、馬來西直攻 廠街觀光夜市之國際觀光客對夜市的目的地意象,從而比較三地觀光夜市在目的地意象上的差異之 處。 本問卷於三國實地發放, 總計回收有效問卷4 7 1 份。研究結果顯示, 國際旅客對士林夜市的意 象是能代表台灣文化特色且具高知名度;對新加坡牛車水夜市的意象是其環境及公共設施都優於其 他兩國。反觀馬來西直灰廠街夜市,其討價還價及價格的意象最高,但對其環境、地方特色與產品 方面的意象較差。最後本研究針對三國夜市在目的地意象的差異,對其未來的經營發展提出適當的 建議與改善之道。


Because of the domestic unique history and culture of the local tourist night markets in Asian countries, that is successful to attract international tourists coming to visit, especially in Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia. In the past, most of the study of night market destination image focused on single destination, but less to compare with other countries and regions. The pu中ose of this study is to explore the differences of destination image in tourist night markets between countries. The study tests the destination image of international tourists by questionnaire ,which visited Taiwan, Shihlin, Singapore, Chinatown, and Malaysia, Petaling Street night market, and then compare their differences . Survey data from 471 tourists indicate that Taiwan Shihlin night market stands for the characteri stic culture of Taiwan with high reputation. The environment and public facilities of Singapore Chinatown night market are better than the other two countries. The image of Malaysia Petaling Street night market is highest in the aspect of the price and bargaining, but lower in the aspect of environment , local characteristic and product. Implications of the findings for improving the development of night market as well as future research direction s are subsequently discussed.
