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篇名 人口統計變數在工作生活品質、工作壓力與工作績效之差異性分析:以臺灣的國際觀光旅館櫃檯人員為例
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Differential Analysis of Personal Attribution among Quality of Work Life, Work Stress and Work Performance of Hotel Front Office Employees in International Tourist Hotel in Taiwan
作者 林子超簡君倫劉旭冠
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 旅館櫃檯人員工作生活品質工作壓力工作績效HotelFront Office EmployeeQuality of Work Life,Work StressWork Performance
出刊日期 201303


本研究旨在探討台灣國際旅館櫃檯人員的人口統計變數在工作生活品質、工作壓力與工作績效 的差異性。研究目的有三:(一)探討國際觀光旅館櫃檯人員人口統計變數在工作生活品質的差異。 (二)探討國際觀光旅館櫃檯人員人口統計變數在工作壓力的差異。(三)探討國際觀光旅館櫃檯 人員人口統計變數在工作績效的差異。本研究採立意取樣方式進行問卷調查,研究對象為全臺72 間 國際觀光旅館櫃檯人員。問卷發放900 份,共有54 間國際觀光旅館的櫃檯人員回應,回收問卷629 份,有效問卷數為474 份,有效回收率為52.67%。研究結果顯示,人口統計變數在工作生活品質、 工作壓力與工作績效上,存在差異。


This study aims to explore the differences of personal attribution among Quality of Work Life, Work Stress and Work Performance of the front office employees in the international tourist hotels in Taiwan. The purpose of this study is to (1) explore the difference of employees’ personal attribution in Quality of Work Life; (2) explore the difference of employees’ personal attribution in Work Stress; (3) explore the difference of employees’ personal attribution in Work Performance. The research data were using purposive sampling, and collectedby questionnaire. The research object is the front office employees of 72 international tourist hotels in Taiwan. Nine hundreds of questionnaire were sent out. Finally, a total of 474 valid questionnaires from 54 hotels were received. The results indicated significant differences of employees’ personal attribution among Quality of Work Life, Work Stress and Work Performance.
