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篇名 國外旅遊服務價值鏈與服務品質-樂遊旅行社帛琉團
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Service Value Chain and Service Quality of a Foreign Tour: The Palau Tour of Loyo
作者 吳文傑李雨師黃蘭茵鍾機福
頁次 199-216
關鍵字 國外旅遊服務價值鏈服務系統服務期望foreign tourservice value chainservice systemservice expectation
出刊日期 201212




Through the cases in which customer complaints have occurred during the Palau group tour held by Loyo, we discuss that Mr. Chung, as the CEO, thinks how customer complaints occur and how to improve service quality in the future, and thus avoid the recurrence of service failures. In this particular case, the teaching objectives is to help the students understand the service value chain relationships of a foreign tour, tour service system, and the service expectations and the quality gap of tourism, as well as, learn how to enhance service quality for a foreign tour, through this case discussions and case teaching.
