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篇名 志工休閒特質及其滿意:以世界宗教博物館志工為例
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 The Volunteers Leisure Traits and Satisfaction: Volunteers from World Religions Museum
作者 蘇文瑜掌慶琳魏芷彤
頁次 179-197
關鍵字 休閒內在動機認真休閒特質休閒滿意度博物館志工intrinsic leisure motivationserious leisure traitsleisure satisfactionmuseum volunteers
出刊日期 201212




This study adopts a survey approach of the intrinsic leisure motivation, serious leisure traits and leisure satisfaction of the volunteers of the Museum of World religions. This is the only Museum that is non-governmental organization and owns international visibility. 164 respondents of questionnaires are effective. The effectiveness of surveyed response is 98.79%. The data analysis methods include descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and SEM. This study found that the intrinsic leisure motivation of volunteers has stronger positive influence on leisure satisfaction. The serious leisure traits of volunteers have positive impacts on leisure satisfaction. The intrinsic leisure motivation of volunteers has slight positive influence on serious leisure traits. The frequency of volunteers’ participation has obvious differences on their intrinsic leisure motivation. At the same time, it influences the serious leisure traits and the leisure satisfaction of volunteers. It is recommended that the management staff of the Museum of World religions should pay more attention to the intrinsic leisure motivation and serious leisure traits of volunteers; in turn, the leisure satisfaction of the volunteers could be increased while sustaining the in-house volunteers at the same time. Various leisure activities for volunteers should be further implemented so as to increase the leisure satisfaction and the willingness of volunteers to stay. As a result, more volunteers are likely to join such services in the Museum of World religions.
