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篇名 不同水果發酵液應用於天然酵母麵包製備及其品質特性探討
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Utilization of Fermented Fruit Liquids for Sourdough Bread Making
作者 簡思平曹志雄許秀華
頁次 171-178
關鍵字 水果發酵天然酵母麵包麵包品質感官品評fruit fermentationsourdoughbread qualitysensory evaluation
出刊日期 201212


由於健康意識的抬頭,水果天然酵母麵包近年來頗受消費者的青睞。有別於慣用的葡萄乾,本 研究選用2種台灣在地水果-香蕉及檸檬,利用其天然發酵液為起始菌種來源(starter),探討其應 用於傳統天然酵母麵包製備流程之可適性及其與商業酵母麵包在品質特性之差異。研究發現,香蕉 及檸檬的發酵過程在27℃的培養環境下,第5天可使其風味及氣泡量達最佳狀態;老麵的餵粉過程 到達第5天,香蕉及檸檬的麵糰體積分別可膨脹至5.7及5.9倍;尤其以檸檬的麵糰在醒發過程中膨 脹最為明顯,顯現其具備產氣力佳的微生物。檸檬及香蕉天然酵母麵包配方中分別添加水果老麵麵 糰及水果發酵液50%(wt/wt)及30%(wt/wt)的比例,可以將商業酵母減量為控制組配方的0.4% (wt/wt),其麵包組織孔洞明顯,質地十分鬆軟,撥開後呈現水果的香氣;比容積以檸檬麵包顯著 大於香蕉麵包及商業酵母麵包(p < 0.05);在儲存過程中,2種水果天然酵母麵包硬度增加顯著低 於商業酵母麵包(p < 0.05)。不同水果天然酵母麵包感官品評之結果顯示,在「香氣」、「咀嚼彈 性」及「軟硬度」三個品評因子之喜好性無顯著差異(p > 0.05)。但在「麵包組織」、「風味」、 「果酸味」、及「整體接受度」四個品評因子之喜好性,以香蕉酵母麵包顯著高於其他2組(p < 0.05)。


The traditional sourdough bread has regained its popularity with the increasing demand by the consumers for more natural and healthy foods. Instead of commonly used raisin as a fermentation source for varieties of microorganisms in western bakery industry, this study aimed at exploring the suitability of two different Taiwan local fruits (banana and lemon) used in naturally-leavened process as a sourdough starter cultures for sourdough bread making. The results indicated that fermentation process for both banana and lemon reached to its peak in terms of bubble activities and aroma at the 5th days under 27℃. The volumes of banana and lemon leavened sourdough became 5.7 and 5.9 times bigger respectively than the original sizes, especially lemon leavened sourdough showed strong gas-producing abilities. Fruit leavened sourdoughs and the fermented fruit liquids were used (50%, wt/wt and 30%, wt/wt, respectively) as aroma carriers and acidifiers with the addition of 0.4% (wt/wt) baker’s yeast for sourdough bread making. During staling process, both fruit-leavened sourdough breads improved hardness problem (p < 0.05). As shown by sensory evaluation, there is no significant difference on 「aroma」、「chewiness」and 「hardness」hedonic test; however, banana-leavened sourdough breads were appreciated for「texture」、 「flavor」、「fruity sourness」and「overall acceptance」(p < 0.05).
