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篇名 民宿口碑傳播之研究:互動品質、服務品質、滿意度之關係
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 A Study on Word-of-Mouth Communication in Bed and Breakfast: The Relationships among Interaction Quality, Service Quality and Satisfaction
作者 莊竣安林士傑吳宗瓊
頁次 133-149
關鍵字 民宿口碑互動品質服務品質滿意度Bed and BreakfastWord of MouthInteraction QualityService qualitySatisfaction
出刊日期 201209




Bed and breakfast features communication and interaction between the host and the customer. The chance to develop familiarity with the host will bring to the traveler an accommodation experience that is very different from staying in a conventional hotel. In recent years, however, bed and breakfast gradually become more and more like hotels so that their traditional feature of operation disappears in the process. Thus, it is worthwhile examining whether different types of bed and breakfast receive the same ratings from travelers, and whether the host’s active interaction and communication with the travelers can fulfill their unspoken needs and thus improve their rating on the overall service and satisfaction. In terms of marketing management of bed and breakfast, the former customers’ recommendation always affect travelers’ decision on the choice of accommodation. In other words, the establishment of good reputation based on the word of mouth is very important for the operation of bed and breakfast to last. Therefore, this study compares the difference between customers’ ratings on traditional bed and breakfast and hotel-like bed and breakfast on various aspects. The structural equation modeling (SEM) is further used to assess how importantly the host-traveler interaction can affect the word-of-mouth recommendations among customers. It also analyzes the correlation among interaction quality, service quality and satisfaction as well as the relative explanatory power thereof on word-of-mouth recommendation. The result shows that, compared with hotel-like bed and breakfast, customers have higher ratings and willingness of making word-of-mouth recommendations on the interaction quality and the individual care in traditional bed and breakfast. At last, the structural equation modeling reveals that the interaction quality exerts the maximal influence on customers’ word-of-mouth recommendation and affects customers’ rating on the overall service and satisfaction of bed and breakfast.
