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篇名 促銷傾向在價格意識、旅遊知識與購買行為之中介機制探討:以旅展為例
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 The Relationship between Price Consciousness, Tourist Knowledge and Purchasing Behavior in the Travel Fair: The Mediating Role of Deal Proneness
作者 李慈慧翁振益
頁次 113-131
關鍵字 促銷傾向價格意識旅遊知識旅展Deal pronenessTourist knowledgePrice consciousnessTravel fair
出刊日期 201209


台灣近年來各地旅展舉辦次數與頻率日益密集,而在旅展的促銷環境中,儼然有如零售市場的 最低價策略。過去關於商展的研究大多為參展者的目標或參展績效,關於旅遊產品展覽,以消費者 為探討對象的研究非常少。 促銷傾向(Deal proneness)的概念首先由Webster Jr.(1965)提出,研究消費者回應促銷的傾 向。本研究探討在旅展環境中,消費者的價格意識及旅遊知識,與促銷傾向、購買意願間之關係, 並進一步探討價格意識與旅遊知識對此關係之影響。本研究在2011年高雄國際旅展中抽樣738位參 觀者,以結構方程模式,探索這些變數間之關係。 本研究除確認價格意識與旅遊知識兩個變數在旅展行銷環境的重要外,分別就價格意識與旅遊 知識、經由促銷傾向對於購買行為的中介效果的檢驗,結果皆達到顯著水準。顯見消費者的促銷傾 向,在旅展環境中,將會影響購買行為。


In recent years, Taiwan has more opportunity to host international travel fairs. Due to competition between exhibitors and their additional knowledge towards marketing their products during trade shows, this body of literature attracts additional attention. In the past, literature on trade shows is focused mainly on exhibitors. In comparison, fewer studies focus on non-industrial consumers’ buying behavior during tourism trade shows. In this research it examines the relationships among consumers’ deal proneness, tourist knowledge, price consciousness, and their purchase intention. 738 travel fair visitors participated in this research and the data was analyzed through structural equation modeling method. In the context of travel fair, this study’s results demonstrate price consciousness and tourist knowledge are important factors when examining tourists’ purchase behavior during travel fairs. The implications of this study are discussed within the tourism and trade fair literature.
