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篇名 以體驗行銷觀點探討大專校院生職場見習與滿意度之研究─以休閒觀光產業為例
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 From Experiential Marketing to Explore the Relationship between Internship and Satisfaction of the Polytechnic Students - A Case of Leisure Industry
作者 曾建榮馮祥勇朱國光
頁次 073-090
關鍵字 見習滿意度學校行銷體驗行銷internshipsatisfactionexperiential marketingschool marketing
出刊日期 201206


近幾年國內觀光休閒產業的蓬勃發展,業界對人才的需求也日益增加,為了加強在校學生的就 業能力,政府單位積極推動產官學合作,以提供校外職場見習的機會。協助學生透過職場見習,獲 得從態度、理念到實務面的體驗學習,了解產業及工作環境,有利於畢業後與職場接軌。Schmitt於 1999年在《體驗行銷》提到體驗行銷認為顧客是理性與感性的動物,並同時受到理性與感性驅策的。 而體驗行銷的特性為:焦點是集中在顧客體驗上,換句話說,體驗是提供感官的、情感的、認知的、 行為的、以及關係的價值來取代功能的價值。本研究以參與產學合作計畫之大專校院,並以休閒產 業,如民宿、溫泉會館、渡假村、休閒農場等單位見習過的學生為研究對象,先以學校行銷為出發 點,了解學生對於產官學合作之看法,再以體驗行銷的觀點,探討見習學生的工作體驗來評估其見 習滿意度,並嘗試找出影響學生滿意度的主要因素,分析各項因素構面對學生滿意度的影響效果, 比較不同背景特質學生在見習滿意度上是否存在顯著的差異性。本研究以問卷調查訪問方式,共訪 談300 位學生,有效樣本為215 位,有效回收率為71.6%,而後將問卷所得之資料以敘述統計、因 素分析、迴歸分析來驗證本研究所提之假設。最後依研究發現及分析結果,提出結論與建議予產官學研界參考。


In recent years, domestic tourism and leisure industry to flourish, the industry demand for talent increasing, in order to enhance the employability of students, the government actively promoting the industry, government and academic cooperation, in order to provide opportunities for trainees outside the workplace. To help students through workplace attachment, obtained from the attitude, philosophy to practical side of experiential learning, understand the industry and work environment conducive to the workplace after graduation standards. In 1999, Schmitt in “experiential marketing” refers to experiential marketing that customers are rational and emotional animals, and driven by both the rational and emotional. The characteristics of experiential marketing is that focus is concentrated on the customer experience, in other words, it’s to provide a sensory experience, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, and relationship to replace the function of the value of value. This research aims to analyze the key factors influencing satisfaction toward students who major in tourism and had finished the internship work in the rural areas of leisure industry, such as home stays, spa, resorts, and leisure farming, so as to probe into if there are any significant differences in satisfaction among students with different background. This research primarily works on collected questionnaires analyzed by means of Descriptive Analysis, Factor Analysis, and Regression Analysis. Each of the 300 subjects was given a questionary to fill out. A total of 215 questionaries was returned, valid return rate of 71.6%. Finally, we discuss implications for managers and scholars.
