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篇名 餐廳落實綠色管理可行性之研究
卷期 11:4
並列篇名 Can We Implement Green Management In Restaurant ?
作者 王瑤芬余泰安
頁次 219-242
關鍵字 永續發展綠色供應鏈綠色餐廳綠色餐飲教育Sustainable developmentgreen supply chaingreen restaurantgreen food and beverage education
出刊日期 201412


為追求環境永續發展,餐飲業應承擔責任。本研究主要目的在探討餐廳落實綠色管理的 可行性,採質性取向,根據餐廳綠色管理指標發展訪談大綱,以素食、西式與中式餐廳為個 案對象,深度訪談餐廳的資深管理者、員工、採購人員與消費者,共21 人,以主題分析法 進行資料分析。研究結果發現:業者對綠色餐廳的認知不足;消費者對綠色餐廳的認知及消 費意願左右業者實施綠色作為的意願;餐廳實施綠色管理受到資金與成本的限制,使得供應 鏈上游端的綠色採購難以執行;經營者理念與消費者需求是影響餐廳綠色管理的關鍵因素; 供應鏈下游端廢棄物處理是業者最願意配合且執行度較高的部分。


The food and beverage industry should take the responsibility for environmental sustainable development. The main purpose of this study was to explore the feasibility of implementing the green restaurant management indicators. The qualitative research method was employed to achieve the purposes. Information was gathered through interviews. The participants of the interview, totally 21 individuals, were the managers, chefs or cooks, purchasers, first line employees, and customers of Chinese, western and vegetarian restaurants. Data was analyzed via theme analysis. The primary findings were as follows: Restaurant employees had insufficient cognition about green restaurants. Consumer’s recognition and consuming willing toward green restaurants influence restaurant owner’s doing green. Capital and cost were the main concerns limit the green procurement that was the most difficult implemented parts in upstream supply chain. In downstream supply chain, businesses have the most willing and strong intention to implement environmental friendly cleaning and waste disposal.
