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篇名 大學生對海外產業實習合作在高等教育 經驗之探討:以觀光餐飲旅館學系為例
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 College Students, Perspectives of Overseas Industry-University Cooperation Internship Experience in Taiwan Higher Education: a case study in the Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management
作者 楊祐茵
頁次 121-138
關鍵字 高等教育海外實習經驗未來職涯選擇higher educationoverseas internshipfuture career selection
出刊日期 201509


本研究探討高等教育大學生對觀光餐旅產業海外實習與未來工作選擇之經 驗之看法。大學生為符合未來職場需求,於求學期間特別著重本身語言能力與專 業技能。本質性研究使用一對一深度訪談方式,訪問七位至美國國際級飯店與渡 假村實習之學生。主要結果整理:1)國外實習經驗,確實培養學生紮實的專業 知識與增加英語使用的機會,特別在口說能力提升;2)學生學習動機、個人態度、 解決問題能力與協調性是成為優秀實習員工之主要因素;3)透過實習經驗磨練, 學生面對顧客抱怨時,懂得如何回應顧客,並懂得尊重多元文化,提升未來國際 之職場競爭力;4)師資與課程建議,培養現有之學校老師,擁有實質的產業界 經驗是重要的。倘若學校能提供學生運用語言的機會與產業界工作的實習經驗, 學生在未來職場表現上,將更為突出。更重要的是,畢業前大學生可清楚掌握自 身未來職涯方向與選擇。


This study aimed to understand the perspectives of college students experiencing the overseas internship and the impact of the intern opportunity preparing for future career selection in Hospitality and Tourism Management industry. Specifically, could students meet the future job market needs in obtaining the language proficiency and professional skills? Nowadays, people in higher education keep asking questions: What’s the ‘future’ for students? What kind of job could they get immediately after graduate? Future means get a nice job or earn a better salary. Jobs have become the critical issue and aroused great attention to the higher educators, particularly the teachers who works in the English related departments. Students intend to evaluate their future careers carefully. How do students learn professional knowledge with English, how do they improve workplace language requirements with professional courses training, and how do they meet the future job needs. Seven participants were Department of Applied English undergraduate students. All of them received one year overseas exchange program in southern California, the United States. A qualitative data were collected through face-on-face Interview. Results indicted as follows: First, the courses in the United States not only help students build the professional knowledge but improve English ability, particularly speaking skills. Second, students5 motivation, personality, attitude, solving problem skills, and flexibility are the key factors for being an outstanding intern employee. Third, through the internship, students encounter the related working experience which can solve customers’ problems more smoothly. Fourth, it is important for school teachers to gain the real working experience with industry. With the appropriate language learning and intern job opportunity offering, students perform the language competency and professional knowledge in intern workplaces. Lastly, the most important concern is students aware the clear viewpoints toward their future career selection.
