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篇名 以\"穿衣"取代傳統"拉皮"施作探討金門因地制宜節能修繕工法
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 Energy-efficient Exterior Wall Cladding System Should Replace Traditional Facade Renovation Method on the Islands of Kinmen - A New Method Takes Local Conditions into Consideration
作者 劉華嶽
頁次 107-119
關鍵字 拉皮低碳示範島穿衣因地制宜複層式外壁紅外線熱像技術facade renovationlow-carbon demonstration islandsExterior wall cladding systemconsideration of local conditionscomposite exterior wallinfrared thermal imaging technology
出刊日期 201509


本研究主要是探討以台灣整建維護型之都市更新常用的”拉皮”工法進行建 築物外觀翻新,此修繕方式由於島嶼侷促性之故,是否在低碳示範島金門適用, 並將以減廢減量的觀點來探討離島地區生態承載量、氣候因素等環境因子,同時 以實際施作案例評估是否有更適合在地的工法替代”拉皮”技術,成為更適合金門 島的因地制宜工法,也就是以複層式外壁結構進行保溫隔熱的”穿衣”修繕,並 進一步教導民眾成為示範建築。其中利用紅外線熱像技術對於修繕建築物之室内 溫度環境品質進行檢測分析得知,複層式外壁確能達到節能效果,同時將人無法 看得見之熱環境影像藉由熱像圖而可辨識,並透過建築物表面或内部溫度分佈可 辨識之熱像圖分析比較,來探討既有建築進行低碳改造後如何減少碳排放,降低城市熱島效應。


Traditional facade renovation method is currently widely used in many cities of Taiwan to renovate the appearance of old buildings. However, on the islands of Kinmen, without adequate natural resources and materials, and as low-carbon demonstration islands, traditional facade renovation method might be not suitable. Based on the aspects of waste reduction and ecological capacity, and consideration of the local climate and environmental factors, this study develops a method using exterior wall cladding system (EWCS) that is more suitable for Kinmen, aiming to replace traditional facade renovation method for exterior makeover of old buildings. The EWCS uses a composite exterior wall design that installs addition of insulation and a new external covering to improve the thermal and visual aspects of the facade. This study also employs infrared thermal imaging technology to validate the improvement of energy efficient in the buildings that use the composite exterior wall design. The result demonstrates that indoor temperature and environmental quality are more comfortable after renovating with the EWCS. In addition, by using infrared thermal imaging to analyze building surface after renovation, this study discusses how the EWCS can reduce carbon emissions and decrease urban heat island effect.
