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篇名 小三通中轉台商過境旅運服務態度、滿意度及支出與經濟效益之研究
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The Study of Taiwan Businessmen’s Attitude, Satisfaction, Expenditure, and Economic Effects toward Travel-Transportation Service of Mini-Three Links
作者 張梨慧林正士
頁次 051-075
關鍵字 小三通套票旅運服務態度滿意度The Mini Three Linkspackage tickettravel-transportation serviceattitudesatisfaction
出刊日期 201509


金廈小三通吸引不少台商過境往來金廈之間,此一運輸路線實施至今,累績 已超過千萬人次。雖然造就許多民間旅運部門的商機,但卻與金門縣政府期望能 帶來的轉運點(transit site)經濟貢獻度有所落差。本研究目的在了解小三通的台商 (幹),其基本特徵、行為與動向、對小三通軟硬體設施之滿意度及此旅運支出在 金門的消費支出等,並推論小三通台商對小三通旅運貢獻的經濟效益。本研究採 問卷調查(questionnaire survey)法進行研究,在小三通旅客必經之水頭碼頭候船 室,以系統隨機抽樣方式進行調查,共發出1067份問卷,有效問卷1138份。研究 結果發現,取道小三通之台商,約九成在金門不作停留,當日直接中轉進入廈門 或台灣,購票型式以購買航空公司之「套票」(package ticket)為大宗,約佔74% ; 此外,台商若干行為變數會對旅運滿意度有干擾效果,近一年才取道小三通者, 滿意度較使用超過4年者高,顯示小三通旅運週邊設施,尚有許多值得改善與精 進之處;往來兩岸愈頻繁者,對小三通的相關設施與服務愈不滿意;除套票費用外,小三通台商在金門的其他消費性支出以「無消費」為最多;每年台商小三通 的旅運經濟產值約17億新台幣。最後,本研究提出之結論與建議做為政府部門、 航空及旅行業者等後續規劃的基礎。


The Mini Three Links (MTL) attracts many Taiwan businessmen traveling between Taiwan and Xiamen. There were over 10 million person-trips since the implement of MTL. Although MTL made great business potential of travel and transportation enterprises, but it has a long distance for local economic value, which were expected by Kinmen County Government. The study focus on the perceived service of businessmen who used MTL, based on survey methodology, and sampling at the Kinmen Shuitou Port, the study treated 1067 and 1138 validity samples. The study discovered 900/〇 of businessmen didn’t stay overnight in Kinmen, they went through Kinmen without staying. Besides, most of them bought ticket through tourism agencies, airlines, called “package ticket”. The expenditure of businessmen in Kinmen is seldom, most of them without consumption in Kinmen. In conclusions, it has accumulated a lot of theories in service field. The study aims to provide practical implications for public sector and travel-transportation-service agencies for further planning.
