
Journal of Medical Sciences MEDLINEScopus

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篇名 Long-term Trends in Child and Youth Injury Mortality in Taiwan, 1989-2007
卷期 35:4
作者 Lu,Yun-LinChien,Wu-ChienLin,Fu-HuangChiu,Yu-LungPai,LuChang,Yu-TienDaniel S. VillarrealPan,Chih-HongChang,Shuenn-ChinLin,Ke-HsinLin,Chiao-HuangChen,Chein-TingLin,Yu-Ching
頁次 147-156
關鍵字 ChildrengenderinjurymortalitytrendsMEDLINEScopus
出刊日期 201508
DOI 10.4103/1011-4564.163822



Background: Injuries are the leading causes of death and contribute greatly to morbidity in children. Our study examined injuries’ age and gender-specific variations over time among children 0-19, from 1989 to 2007. Materials and Methods: Numbers of deaths caused by injury are drawn from Taiwan’s official Vital Statistics System. Mortality was age-adjusted to the US 2000 standard population. Temporal trends were analyzed by linear regression. Results: Both genders’ annual mortality rates and proportional mortality ratios of unintentional injuries declined significantly during 1989-2007. Conversely, an increasing trend of intentional deaths occurred. In general, during 1992-2007, increasing the rates of suicide deaths in ages 10-19 and of homicide deaths in ages 0-9 occurred. Boys had more suicide deaths than did girls. Conclusions: Unlike unintentional injuries, intentional injuries increased over the 1989-2007 period. Deaths in the subgroups of ages 0-19 and categorized by genders were caused by varying injuries.
