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篇名 利用不同統計方法建立基改油菜花粉飄散模式
卷期 36:1
並列篇名 Using different statistical methods to establish the gene flow model of oilseed rape
作者 王柏盛蘇圓智郭寶錚
頁次 033-062
關鍵字 花粉飄散基因流動隔離距離油菜pollen dispersalgene flowisolation distanceoilseed rapeTSCI
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2015-0036(1)-033


當油菜(oilseed rape)轉入抗除草劑及抗病蟲害基因後,就具有了抗除草劑及抗病蟲害等特性,尤其在抗病蟲害方面所使用的農藥量也將較一般作物為少。因此造成耕作成本大幅降低,對整個農產品市場產生極大的影響。但由於基改油菜可藉由花粉飄散至鄰近耕地的非基改油菜,導致非基改油菜受到污染,其子代具有基改油菜的特性。非基改油菜被污染主要會受到花粉貢獻親及接受親兩者間族群大小、開花期、隔離距離(isolation distance)、以及其對昆蟲的吸引力及花粉競爭等因素影響。本文將探討非基改與基改油菜共存的前提下,兩者同時種植時,所推薦的安全隔離距離;以及在兩者間設置緩衝區(buffer zone)時對基因流動(gene flow)的影響,並利用統計方法對異交率進行評估。另加入風媒及蟲媒兩個影響因子,來模擬基改油菜的花粉飄散模式,以預測在有無隔離距離與不同緩衝區大小的條件下,非基改油菜汙染程度的不同。


When the transgenes resistant to herbicides, insects, and disease confer to the oilseed rape by the genetic engineering, the usage of agrochemicals will be reduced in most cases and the field management will be easily handled too. However, the transgenes of genetically modified (GM) oilseed rape could contaminate the non-GM oilseed rape nearby through the pollen dispersal. The influencing factors of contamination include the population size of both GM and non-GM oilseed rape, flowering time, isolation distance, attractive ability to insects, and pollen competition. The objective of this review is to discuss the isolation distance under the coexistence base. The influence of buffer zone between the pollen donor and recipient is also considered. Two extra factors are added to experiment to simulate the pollen dispersal model of GM oilseed rape and to predict the difference of degree of contamination under the different isolation distances and buffer zone sizes.
