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篇名 不同品種之玉米及大豆間作栽培對產量之影響
卷期 36:1
並列篇名 Effect of intercropping of different maize and soybean varieties on the yield
作者 蒲沅裕賴亭妤趙雲洋
頁次 019-032
關鍵字 玉米大豆品種間作栽培產量maizesoybeanvarietyintercroppingyieldTSCI
出刊日期 201506
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2015-0036(1)-019




Intercropping can improve arable land utilization and effectively controls the crop growth. In this study, varietal effects on growth and yield of maize in maize-soybean intercropping system were investigated. Results revealed that intercrops between sweet maize and soybean significantly increased sweet maize yield, with ear weight of 325 g which was increased by 77.3% than that in single-cropping system. Similarly, intercropping between waxy maize and black soybean led to an ear weight of 323 g in waxy maize which was increased by 35.4% than that in single-cropping system. However, intercropping between soybean or black soybean and maize did not show a significant difference in pod number per plant and pod weight per pod of soybeans compared to single-cropping system. Our results showed that intercropping was advantageous for maize yield. In conclusion, the maize-soybean intercropping may have apparent impact on the grain yield of maize due to varietal difference. In particular, sweet maize-soybean intercropping can effectively increase growth and yield of sweet maize.
