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篇名 民間信仰的地域傳播與人文分化:以明清以降寧國府的汪華、張渤信仰為中心
卷期 188
並列篇名 Geographical Dissemination and Humanity Division: On the Cults of Wang Hua and Zhang Bo of Ningguo Prefecture in Ming and Qing
作者 李甜
頁次 251-294
關鍵字 汪王廟祠山廟地域關係區域比較徽商會館太平天國戰亂Wang-Hua TempleCi-Shan Templeregional relationsregional comparisonHuizhou Merchant GuildTaiping RebellionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201506


汪華信仰和張渤信仰,是發軔於皖南傳統社會的兩大區域性神靈。本 文以明清以降寧國府的汪華、張渤信仰為例,首先考察它們在寧國府這一府 級行政單元內的空間分佈狀況,其次以汪華信仰為例,揭櫫民間信仰在地域 傳播中的地理和人文之影響因素,最後對比汪華與張渤之間的內在差異及其 互動關係。 寧國府民間信仰的空間分佈、具體演變及其傳播歷程,表明該府內部存 在顯著的地理差異與人文分化。進而言之,由於民間信仰的空間分佈與區域 地理、人文之間存在着密切關係,因此,揭示這種信仰差別背後所蘊含的區 域人文差異,有助於系統地理解當地的社會結構及其地域文化傳統。值得一 提的是,清末太平天國戰亂造成汪華、張渤信仰的迅速衰微,乃是寧國府信仰動態變遷的重要環節,這在相當程度上塑造了現今皖南民間信仰的基本格 局,並導致現代田野調查難以發揮應有的學術效力。 總體而言,兩大信仰傳播與演化的動態歷程,折射出徽州、廣德等周遭 地區對寧國府信仰文化的影響與滲透,展現皖南地域社會之複雜性及其信仰 格局的嬗變歷程。


Wang Hua and Zhang Bo are two regional deities whose cults rose from southern Anhui area. In this study, I first investigate the geographical dissemination of the cults within the Ningguo prefecture. Secondly, with the case of Wang Hua, I illuminate the geographical and humanity division that affected the dissemination of popular belief. I conclude with a comparison of the internal differences and interactions between the two cults. The spatial distribution, actual changes, and tracks of transmission of the popular belief in Ningguo prefecture indicate obvious geographical and humanity division. This fact helps to enhance systematic understanding of local social structure and regional cultural traditions. The Taiping Rebellion of late Qing caused the cults of Wang Hua and Zhang Bo to decline rapidly. This is an important reason that accounted for the ineffectiveness of modern day field investigation. To sum up, the mobility tracks of the cults’ transmissions and evolutions reflect on how the neighboring areas — Huizhou and Guangde – influenced and infiltrated the religious culture of Ningguo prefecture. It demonstrates the complicity of local society in southern Anhui and evolution track of their religious pattern.
