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篇名 量身訂作的兒童教育活動-以新加坡亞洲文明博物館學習廳為例
卷期 24
並列篇名 Customized Educational Activities for Children-The Learning Gallery of the Asian Civilisations Museum in Singapore as an Example
作者 鄭雅云
頁次 091-113
關鍵字 博物館兒童教育展示設計觀眾服務新加坡亞洲文明博物館museum education for childrenexhibition designvisitor servicesAsian Civilisations Museum in Singapore 113
出刊日期 201504


本文皆在探討新加坡亞洲文明博物館為兒童所做的教育活動之規劃與實例。本文以筆者 2014 年於新加坡為期8週的博物館實習考察為基礎,引發筆者研究動機,希冀提出國外博物館 在規劃教育活動時的觀念與做法之絮構與策略,作為國內博物館教育活動規劃之參考。本文以 個案研究方式,用參與觀察法、內容分析法,從新加坡亞洲文明博物館對學校團體、親子家庭 的參觀策略活動規劃與執行等議題切入,並探討學習廳啟發兒童五感經驗之撓劃構想、與展示手 法。研究結果也發現,在教育活動規劃上深化文化的意涵,並擷取文化的元素加以設計教育活 動,能引發參觀者的興趣與增進教育推廣的成效。尤其是,有考量兒童觀眾的展示設計,是締 造博物館朝向專業化發展之關鍵。


This study investigated the educational activities for children in Singapore's Asian Civilisations Museum (ACM). Based on an eight-week internship and field observation at ACM in 2014, the author attempted to outline this museum's framework and strategies for planning educational activities, which could be helpful for domestic museums in planning educational activities. The case research method was adopted. The author used participant observation and content analysis to explore how ACM plans and executes educational activities for student visitors and family visitors as well as the concepts and presentation methods adopted by its Learning Gallery to inspire the five senses experience of children. Results indicated that deepening cultural implications and integrating cultural elements in the design of educational activities can arouse visitors' interest and promote education. Besides, exhibitions designs that consider the needs of children visitors are especially central to the professional development of a museum.
