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篇名 獨立遊戲《DREAM》之創作論述
卷期 24
並列篇名 The Creation of Indie Game-"Dream"
作者 呂竺耘王年燦
頁次 029-051
關鍵字 獨立遊戲遊戲回饋心理勵志indie gamegame feedbackmotivational psychology
出刊日期 201504


遊戲包括企劃、美術、程式三大區塊,專長領域差異甚大,同時擁有此三種能力者不多。 本遊戲使用Unity 遊戲引擎,獨立製作一款橫向捲軸動作類型的遊戲,總關卡數為三關,透過讓 玩家在場景上尋找出口,面對敵人阻礙,還有失敗者及魔王對主角的冷嘲熱諷,來象徵日常可 能遭遇到的困難。藉由研究相關遊戲的製作經歷與想法來探索自我,並轉化在作品內,提升遊 戲整體回饋性使玩家更能融入遊戲,進而將不應輕易放棄的想法傳達給使用者,達到勵志的目 的。


Should the initial dream or intention of a person be forgotten just for the sake of maintaining a stable life? Having a creative mind is common among many people in the world. They like creating and designing ever since their childhood; however, as it is not an easy task to insist on, many of them have chosen to give up. The game introduced has used the Unity engine to produce a transverse shaft action game for a total of three stages. To clear each stage, players need to search for the exit. Nevertheless, on the way, they are forced to face many obstacles brought by the enemies and failures, as well as a harsh taunt by the last boss. All these are symbolizing the difficulties people are facing in daily life. Through the researches and experiences relative to gaming production, the author takes this opportunity to explore herself, and transforms her feelings and ideas into an unique game. On the other hand, these are the actual condition from the author, as a game producer, the reality and positive force of the game has been strengthened. The purpose is to encourage the players not to say give up easily, but to keep exploring their own dreams, and one day success is insight.
