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篇名 國小社會教科書中的「臺灣史」論述與教師的教學轉化
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Discourses of “Taiwanese History” in Social Science Textbook of Elementary School and the Transformation in Teaching
作者 顏靜筠
頁次 097-114
關鍵字 教科書臺灣史教學轉化textbooksTaiwanese Historytransformation in teaching
出刊日期 201503




The knowledge in the textbooks reflects the results of value options and power functioning. The proportion of Taiwanese History in elementary schools’ textbooks is with increasing trends in curriculum reform, but how has the implicit ideology controversy been handled? Whether or not the historical information illustrated in teaching materials still conforms and corresponds to dominants’ assertion? This paper examines the contents of Taiwanese History portrayed in the fifth grade Social Science textbooks and the adaptation strategies to the curriculum objectives. From teachers’ reflection on their practical teaching experiences, author also investigates how teachers should utilize their professional interpretation and transformation in teaching history classes to help students enhance their capabilities in critical thinking, value judgment, and problem solving. The results uncovered the facts that the portions of narrative structure and the division of history periods in the current Taiwanese History textbooks require teachers to integrate historical contexts by adding more information in classes. With regard to the representation of interracial ―others,‖ teachers need to guide students for rational critiques. Concerning the absolute and certain knowledge assumption, teachers should assist students in self-examining their reflection and thinking. Additionally, in terms of cultivating national identity awareness, teachers must help students clarify their concepts. As a result, in addition to the importance of textbook discourses, teachers’ transformation in teaching can exert more influence on a practice level.
