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篇名 國小高年級女生身體自我概念、運動期望價值與運動參與程度之研究-以金門地區為例
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Study of Fifth and Sixth Grades Elementary School Girl Students’ Body Self-Perception, Sport Expectancy-Value Related Belief and Exercise Participation - A Case of Kinmen County
作者 薛郁琪李文良
頁次 077-096
關鍵字 身體自我概念運動期望價值運動參與程度body self-perceptionsport expectancy-value related beliefexercise participation
出刊日期 201503


本研究目的在探討金門縣國小高年級女生之身體自我概念、運動期望價值與運動參 與程度之差異情形與相關程度。研究採用問卷調查法,以「身體自我概念量表」、「運 動期望價值量表」、「運動參與程度量表」為工具,共得金門地區國小高年級女生260 位為研究對象。本研究採敘述性統計、獨立樣本t 檢定及皮爾森積差相關進行資料分析, 並獲得以下主要結果:(一)不同年級學生在身體自我概念「力量」、「外表」,運動 期望價值「重要他人」具有顯著差異;(二)有參加運動團隊者在「身體自我概念」、「運 動期望價值」、「運動參與程度」構面皆顯著高於無參加運動團隊者;(三)學生身體自 我概念、運動期望價值與運動參與程度間達顯著正相關,且學生身體自我概念「耐力」、 「柔軟度」,運動期望價值「能力期望」、「需求努力」、「重要他人」、「工作價值」 與運動參與程度具有顯著相關。


The purpose of this study was to examine the differences and correlations of Body Self-Perception, Sport Expectancy-Value Related Belief and Exercise Participation among the fifth and sixth grades girl elementary school students in Kinmen. The method of questionnaire survey was adopted. The research instruments were the “Body Self-Perception Scale”, the “Sport Expectancy -Value Related Belief Scale”, and the “Exercise Participation Scale”. Two hundred and sixty students girls in fifth and sixth grade at the elementary schools in Kinmen were selected to be the sample of this study. The data was analyzed with the methods of descriptive statistics, Independent-Sample t-test and Pearson Product-Moment correlation. The major results were as follows: (1) Students with different grades had significant differences in “strength” and “physical appearance” of Body Self-Perception, “significant others” of Sport Expectancy-Value Related Belief. (2) Students who participated in sport club had better results in Exercise Participation, Body Self-Perception and Sport Expectancy-Value than those who didn’t. (3) The study indicated that Body Self-Perception, Sport Expectancy-Value and Exercise Participation were significantly correlated. The associations among “endurance”, “flexibility” of Body Self-Perception, “ability expectancy”, “need effort”, “significant others”, “task value” of Sport Expectancy-Value Related belief and Exercise Participation were significant.
