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篇名 金門海上長泳泳渡者參與動機之研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Participants’ Motivation of Kinmen Long-distance Swimming Competition
作者 翁郁玫黃仲凌
頁次 019-038
關鍵字 參與動機泳渡者金門海上長泳participation motivationswimmersKinmen long-distance swimming
出刊日期 201503


瞭解金廈海域泳渡接力公開賽與搶灘料羅灣-金門海上長泳泳渡者參 與活動之動機。其次,比較不同背景變項泳渡者參與動機之差異。方法:以「金 廈及料羅泳渡參與者參與動機之問卷」為研究工具,金廈海域泳渡接力公開賽採 普查方式,搶灘料羅灣-金門海上長泳採隨機抽樣方式,以參與2013 金廈海域泳 渡接力公開賽及搶灘料羅灣-金門海上長泳之泳渡者為對象,獲得有效問卷分別 為154 份及415 份,共569 份。根據調查所得資料,以描述性分析、獨立樣本t 考驗及單因子變異數分析等方法進行分析。結果:一、金廈海域泳渡接力公開賽 與搶灘料羅灣-金門海上長泳泳渡者的參與動機在「能力增強」、「社交關係」及 「昇華體驗」上的差異皆達顯著水準。金廈海域泳渡接力公開賽有較高的「能力 增強」動機;搶灘料羅灣-金門海上長泳有較高的「社交關係」及「昇華體驗」 動機。二、泳渡者於「參與動機」上的差異比較發現,在性別、年齡及參加次數 上均達顯著差異。結論:金廈海域泳渡接力公開賽與搶灘料羅灣-金門海上長泳 相比,前者較重與「能力增強」;後者較重於「社交關係」及「昇華體驗」。不同 背景變項泳渡者之參與動機在此兩項泳渡活動中有顯著差異。體育運動相關組織 於活動策畫時,應考量其不同背景變項參與者之需求,以吸引更多群眾參與。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the participation motivation of the participants in the Kinmen-Xiamen Crossing Competition and Kinmen Long-distance Open Water Swimming Competition. The data was used to compare the differences in participation motivation among participants from different backgrounds. Method: A questionnaire was used in this study. The information in Kinmen-Xiamen Crossing Competition was collected by a census method, while the data in Kinmen-Xiamen Crossing Competition was collected by random sampling. The subjects were the participants of Kinmen-Xiamen Crossing Competition and Kinmen Long-distance Open Water Swimming Competition in 2013. The number of valid questionnaires was 154 and 415 respectively, 569 in total. The collected data was analyzed using various methods, including descriptive statistic, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Result: 1. For the participants of the Kinmen-Xiamen Crossing Competition, capacity enhancement was the major factor of participation motivation. For the participants of Kinmen Long-distance Open Water Swimming Competition, social relationship was the major factor. 2. There were significant differences in participation motivation when comparing participants’ gender, age, education level, career and frequency of participation. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study was that for the participants of the Kinmen-Xiamen Crossing Competition and Kinmen Long-distance Open Water Swimming Competition, there were significant differences in participation motivation , including “capacity enhancement”, “social relationship” and “cathartic experience”. There were also significant differences in participation motivation among participants from different backgrounds. The study concluded that in order to attract more people to join sport related the activities, the sport organizations should consider the demands of participants from different backgrounds when planning sport the events.
