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篇名 台灣地區及大陸地區居民至金門其旅遊動機及知覺價值之研究
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 The Study of Taiwan & Chinese Residents’ Travel Motivation and Perceived Value toward Kinmen
作者 宋永坤黃鉦峰陳建民
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 金門旅遊動機知覺價值KinmenTravel MotivationPerceived Value
出刊日期 201503


本研究目的為探討大陸人士及台灣人士來金門地區旅遊之旅遊動機與知覺 價值之差異進行探討。實際有效問卷共計516份 (台灣地區261份、大陸地區255 份)。分析資料採用描述性統計、因素分析、信度分析、與t檢定分析。在動機方 面,大陸旅客較台灣旅客會因“生活體驗”與“吸收新知與分享”來金門地區旅 遊。另一方面,台灣旅客較大陸旅客會因“尋找樂趣與刺激”來金門地區旅遊。 另在知覺價值方面,大陸旅客較台灣旅客感到“自我實現與強化關係”之價值。 針對研究結果,亦提出實務上的建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the differences of travel motivation and perceived value between Taiwan and Chinese residents. 516 useable surveys were collected (261 form Taiwan, 255 from China) and data were analyzed through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and t-test. Regarding travel motivation, Chinese travelers would prefer to visit Kinmen than Taiwanese travelers did due to “life experience” and “getting new knowledge & sharing”. On the other hand, Taiwanese travelers would prefer “seeking fun & excitement” than Chinese travelers did. Regarding perceived value, Chinese travelers would feel the value of “self-actualization & reinforce relationship” than Taiwanese travelers did. Applications of the results of the study were also suggested.
