
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 作為平等的正義:德沃金平等自由主義的理路與辯護
卷期 51
並列篇名 Justice as Equality: A Defense of Ronald Dworkin’s Egalitarian Liberalism
作者 陳閔翔
頁次 093-138
關鍵字 作為平等的正義分配正義平等自由主義平等關懷與尊重資源平等自由政治社群justice as equalitydistributive justiceegalitarian liberalismequal concern and respectequality of resourceslibertypolitical communityTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6523/168451532014120051003


本文旨在從德沃金平等自由主義的內在理路來探討其分配正義觀 點,進而導出「作為平等的正義」(justice as equality)結論並為之辯 護。本文的主要論點認為,德沃金的自由主義,不僅把自由、平等與 社群整合起來,同時藉由資源平等的制度設計─它要求把平等與責 任置於同樣重要的地位,落實了「作為平等的正義」理論目標。據 此,本文從德沃金平等原則基本論旨出發,依次檢視了「平等關懷與 尊重」及「倫理個人主義的平等原則」論點,接著考察德沃金「資 源平等」的正義制度設計,包括探討他如何論證資源平等優於福利平 等、假設性保險市場的論述,以及「敏於志向、鈍於稟賦」的正義理 念。最後則針對「自由與平等是否衝突」、「自由主義能否形成政治社 群」這些重要問題,為德沃金「作為平等的正義」理論進行反思與辯 護。


In this article, the author tries to clarify “justice as equality” by exploring what distributive justice Ronald Dworkin illustrated egalitarian liberalism. I argue that he has not only integrated liberty, equality, and community into his liberalism but has also justified a principle of justice, that is, justice as equality, with an emphasis on equality and responsibility in his theory of equality. In the first place I analyze the significance of “equal concern and respect” and “ethical individualism”. Secondly, I investigate Dworkin’s institutions of justice focused on equality of resources and point out the theoretical implications of “ambition-sensitive, endowment-insensitive”. For defended “justice as equality”, in conclusion this article discussed two philosophical controversies: “Do liberty and equality conflict?” and “How is liberal community possible?”.
