
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 公民身分社會學的理論企圖:規範性與經驗性研究的整合
卷期 51
並列篇名 The Theoretical Ambition of the Sociology of Citizenship: Integrating the Normative-Empirical Research
作者 蔡博方
頁次 043-091
關鍵字 公民身分權利歷史知識論脆弱性規範性研究與經驗性研究citizenshiprightshistorical epistemologyvulnerabilitynormative and empirical researchTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6523/168451532014120051002


在1980 年代,英美社會學出現「公民身分」的復興趨勢,學者 們嘗試修正T. H. Marshall 所留下的研究典範。然而,在1990 年代後 期,研究者開始反思此一趨勢,以更具有理論企圖的視角看待公民身 分社會學的知識旨趣。對此,本文討論三種新「公民身分社會學」的 建構,它們分別以Thomas Janoski、Margaret Somers 和Bryan Turner 援引社會行動論、歷史知識論、身體社會學之理論基礎為代表。本文 發現,三位學者的研究已經脫離「比較歷史研究取徑」框架,開始嘗 試兼顧公民身分研究的規範性與經驗性兩種意涵。同時,本文也在概 念重新定義、社會整體圖像的兩個面向上,說明三者研究中展現的社 會理論意涵,進而討論社會學者如何重新開啟公民身分社會學與規範 性論述之間的對話。


Since the 1980s, there has been a revival of citizenship studies in American and British sociology, in which scholars’ efforts mainly aiming at T. H. Marshall’s legacy. However, sociologists of citizenship rethinking this academic trend since the late 1990s attempt to enhance their theoretical implications and specify the sociological interests. The paper examines this “new sociology of citizenship” by introducing the recent works of Thomas Janoski, Margaret Somers, and Bryan Turner. Janoski’s introduction of the theoretical concept, social action, is crucial to his sociology of citizenship and rights, as well as Somers’ historical epistemology and Turner’s vulnerability theme to theirs. The main finding of this paper is that having departed from the comparative historical approach, these new sociologists of citizenship and rights endeavor to integrate the normative and the empirical research with their distinct ways and theoretical viewpoints. Moreover, the paper compares the theoretical ambitions in terms of key-concept redefining and its social mapping, and then analyses their significances to the link of citizenship studies and social theory. Based on the new sociology of citizenship, the conclusion section of the paper tries to rethink about the relationship between the normative and the empirical research.
