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篇名 以隱性手法轉化設計素材為感質產品之創作研究
卷期 22/23
並列篇名 The Creation Study on the Transformation of Source into Qualia Products by Implicit Expressions
作者 陳嬿如張恭領
頁次 15-35
關鍵字 隱性手法設計素材感質產品Implicit expressionSource materialQualia product
出刊日期 201410




A qualia product design must provide the added value for consumers. The motive for the purchase of a product is no longer considered a necessity by consumers, the whole feeling of purchasing is greater than an necessity buying. Thus, the value carries an expanded meaning to transform the purchase into an abundant and emotional resonance. For developing guidelines for transformation of implicit expressions into qualia products, and contributes to our understanding of qualia product and the effects of implicit expressions in design practices, the aim of this research avoided to manipulate a source material as figure-pasting based on the three categories of implicit expressions. Finally, a new bag design based on implicit expressions was proposed, and involved with more metaphorical meaning.
