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篇名 荒謬劇場中的存在主義情態
卷期 22/23
並列篇名 Other than Human and Nature: Heterogeneity after Collage Mixed with Chinese Brush Painting
作者 葉依禦
頁次 73-83
關鍵字 荒謬劇場存在主義Theater of the absurdExistentialism
出刊日期 201410




Theater of the absurd flourished in the 1950s, was produced the new form of anti-theatre that the language may be filled with hackneyed, the characters no apparent personality, no drama conflicts in Europe. Martin Esslin(1918-2002) called "theater of the absurd" . For early contact with theater of the absurd who was usually attracted to the external form of the absurd, while ignored the inherent qualities in the theater of the absurd. In fact, theater of the absurd of the inner spirit inherited existentialism. In this paper, through Chen Ku-ying's existential modality theory, that interpret existential modality in Theater of the absurd.
