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篇名 數位化時代下,華文出版場域的轉型與突變
卷期 22/23
並列篇名 Transformations & Mutations of the Chinese Language Publishing Field in the Digital Age
作者 李育菁
頁次 37-53
關鍵字 數位出版場域華文出版出版體系轉型出版體系突變網絡文學出版意義Digital publishing fieldChinese language publishingTransformation of publishing structureMutations of publishing structureInternet literatureMeaning of publishing
出刊日期 201410




In the traditional publishing era, the publishing fields around the world all operate according to a fixed value chain system, and this system has been in operation for over 500 years since the existence of the publishing industry. Now the publishing industry is going through a transition period toward digitization. To the publishing industry, the trend of digitization has overwhelmed not only the entire industry system but the entire publishing field. In the digital age, the publishing house s in the West have carried on with their conventional mode l of value chains and established a comprehensive digital publishing system. But in Chinese-speaking regions, due to factors such as market traits, consumers' reading habits and consumption habits which are vastly different from the West, the system of digital publishing in the West is not applicable to these regions. This research attempts to examine the differences among the publishing structure in Chinese-speaking regions (specifically mainland China and Taiwan) in the digital era, the typical publishing field in the West and the traditional paper-based publishing field which has existed for hundreds of years. It also seeks to discuss the "mutations" which have characterized the structure of the Chinese digital publishing field and how this development has challenged the conventional definition of publication.
