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篇名 天人不合一:水墨拼貼後的異質狀態
卷期 22/23
並列篇名 Other than Human and Nature: Heterogeneity after Collage Mixed with Chinese Brush Painting
作者 黃昱斌
頁次 1-14
關鍵字 異質性當代藝術跨界材料拼貼混搭HeterogeneityContemporary artsCrossoverCollageMix and match
出刊日期 201410




The heterogeneity is one of the critical indicators in the contemporary arts. This kind of heterogeneity, such as crossover combination of different materials, would result in a variety of effects. There is no exception in Chinese brush painting. Instead of the very manifest images or subjects in the traditional artworks, heterogeneity brings broken pieces of the objects or chaotic messy scenes into the contemporary artworks. Through adding extra works to these pieces or the chaotic scenes, the artists employ the unique technique similar to collage, to make brand-new Chinese painting artworks in a mix and match style, which satisfies the artists with the observation of certain phenomenon (e.g. social phenomenon and events), the breakthrough of conception, and the self-retrospect of the artists. Moreover, this technique would help us understand the great variety of of materials. At last, in addition to the concept of "human and nature" in the traditional artworks, it brings a great diversity of real human life into contemporary artworks.
