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篇名 外商銀行社會責任中倫理責任與慈善責任關聯性之研究
卷期 484
並列篇名 Study on the Correlation of Ethical Responsibility and Philanthropic responsibility in corporate Social Responsibility of Foreign Banks
作者 鄭慧姬馬彥琳劉峯銘
頁次 077-088
關鍵字 社會責任倫理責任慈善責任層級分析法Social responsibilityEthical responsibilityPhilanthropic responsibilityAHP
出刊日期 201403




This study explores the perception of corporate social responsibility in foreign banks, and it tests correlation of the two dimensions of ethical responsibility and charitable responsibility. The expert responds that the most important key factor for the social responsibility of foreign banks is ethical responsibility (0.874). In impact criteria, the most important ethical responsibility is considered respect for consumers' equity (0.574), followed by charitable responsibility to assist the domestic industry (0.338) and the importance of employee learning and development (0.088); In charitable responsibility, the most important is to improve the community consideration of the quality of life (0.443), followed by assist disadvantaged groups (0.319) and the promotion of cultural activities (0.238).
