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篇名 無線網通業外包績效評估之研究
卷期 484
並列篇名 A Study on Outsourcing Evaluation System for Wireless Networking Industry
作者 呂昆樺
頁次 059-076
關鍵字 無線網通業外包績效評估層級分析法wireless networking industryoutsourcingperformance evalutaionAHP
出刊日期 201403




Due to the Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement, some wireless networking industries relocate their operation in Mainland China to save costs, but the quality of outsourcing quality varies greatly and caused expenditure of rework and replacement costs. Therefore, wireless networking companies, when facing the huge change in business structure, should select subcontractors carefully to ensure their competitive advantage. The goal of this work is to investigate how wireless networking industries reinforce core technique for customers' value and cut costs in the swift changing and competitive environment. This work concludes the performance evaluation using the analytic hierarchy process and offers feasible solution for enterprises to survive in the changing environment.
