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篇名 技職院校通識課程的教學實踐—以「生命教育」課程為例
卷期 484
並列篇名 Teaching Practice for the General Education Curriculum at Technical and Vocational Colleges using the example of the "Life Education" Course
作者 施宜煌
頁次 045-058
關鍵字 心靈覺醒生命教育技職院校通識教育spiritual awakeninglife educationtechnical and vocational collegesgeneral education
出刊日期 201403




This paper details the practice of life education, a general education curriculum, at technical and vocational colleges. This curriculum allows students to search for meaning in life and to respect other values, which improves the individual. In addition, this paper provides some suggestions for teachers at technical and vocational colleges. The teaching of life education involves (1) "birth", "old age", "disease" and "death", four concepts that allow students to understand the nature of life, (2) cultivating students' ability to influence "self", "others" and "nature", so that they become better individuals, rather than becoming apathetic.
