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篇名 新加坡政府對中國的外交關係—以李顯龍時期為例
卷期 484
並列篇名 Diplomatic relation of Singapore government with China, in Lee Hsien Loong period
作者 藍嘉祥
頁次 035-46
關鍵字 新加坡對外關係區域政策東南亞Singaporeexternal relationsregional policySoutheast Asia
出刊日期 201403




Singapore is an island nation located in Southeast Asia, mainly consists of a main island and 63 islets composed of a total area of 682.7 square kilometers, It is about the size of two and a half Taipei with population of less than six million. Due to the unique geographical location and effective government governance, it has become one of the most representative countries in Southeast Asia. The rapid development of Singapore has made it one of the Asian Tigers. It is Asia's most important financial, service and shipping center, Singapore is also a multi-racial nation of immigrants, and one of the world's cosmopolitan cities In August 2004, the Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong officially took over as prime minister to continue to lead Singapore's economic development. This study will discuss how Singapore deals with the rise of China, and how it safeguards its own interest while maintains a stable relation with china.
