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篇名 中國大陸新安全觀之時代背景與意義
卷期 484
並列篇名 Background and Meaning of the New Security Concept in Mainland China
作者 江和華張昌吉
頁次 023-034
關鍵字 新安全觀複合式相依綜合安全中國崛起New Security ConceptComplex Interdependencecomprehensive securityRise of China
出刊日期 201403




After 1990's, Mainland China has spread continuously its influences on geopolitics, regional economy, military even culture. This caused among the West countries China-threat-theme. However, China responded to those anxieties and presented with the theme of peaceful rise; namely, Chinese development will improve the peace and prosperity of the world and the peace of external environment is needed for Chinese developing. The meaning of peaceful rise points out the new concept of security in issue of national security. This paper studies the cognition and change of security concept in Mainland China in era of globalization.
