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篇名 影響近代中日國勢的三場戰爭之研究
卷期 484
並列篇名 Impact of the Three Wars on National Power of Modern China and Japan
作者 榮雄生陳瑞龍
頁次 015-022
關鍵字 甲午戰爭二戰美援國共內戰韓戰First Sino-Japanese WarWorld War IIU.S. AidChinese Civil WarKorean War
出刊日期 201403




After the Meiji Restoration, Japan won over victory the Qing Dynasty. With huge compensation from Qing it became a modern state, and became the first Asian power. The defeat of the Qing finally ended its rule. Shortly after World War II, due to from U.S. aid Japan made economic recovery and industrial production began to recover. The Chinese civil war had prompted the U.S. to change policy toward Japan, and transferred large amounts of U.S. aid to Japan from China. Japan then could completed it’s revival quickly, getting exempt from responsibility of war and returned to the international community. China had since made secession from international society. In 1950, the outbreak of the Korean War and it’s special need of supply (for the U.S. military services) had again the stagnant Japanese industrial production again. In contrast, China has suffered exclusion from the US-led economic development. Three wars had a decisive influence over japan and china, and this study will discuss their impact in details.
