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篇名 Reconstruction of for Analytical Framework Human Resource Management from the Perspective of Stakeholder
卷期 484
並列篇名 利害關係者觀點看人力資源管理分析框架重構
作者 劉綠萍洪國爵
頁次 001-014
關鍵字 Human resource management socio-political alliancesstakeholder theory人力資源管理社會經濟聯盟利害關係者理論
出刊日期 201403




In order to understand the system wherein human resource management practices are determined by the interactions of a complex system of actors, it is necessary to have a conceptual framework of analysis. In this respect, the works of scholars of stakeholder theory opened new perspectives in management theory. An organization is understood as part of a politics-economic system of stakeholders who interact and influence management practices. Each stakeholder tries to optimize and protect his/her interests. The framework of stakeholder analysis enables us to escape from a purely instrumental approach to HRM, and avoids reducing our understanding of conflicts within companies to mere antagonism between employees and their employers. It enables us to point out the existence of other stakeholders in the relationship. Notably, it allows for the incorporation into management theory actors from the sphere politics as well as their dependent administrations. All these actors are considered to be stakeholders who define the legal framework of firm management and operation.
