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篇名 大豆田間昆蟲分佈與花粉飄散之研究
卷期 35:2
並列篇名 Study on the distribution of insect species and the dispersal of pollen flow in soybean field
作者 連柏雁郭寶錚張惠如沈翰祖
頁次 119-133
關鍵字 大豆分佈昆蟲異花授粉花粉飄散soybeandistributioninsectcross-pollinationpollen dispersalTSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2014-0035(2)-119




Soybean is one of cleistogamous and chasmogamous crops with outcrossing rate less than 1%. However, because of the variety and environmental effects, its outcrossing rate could be greater than 1%. Generally, the movement of small insects between flowers could result in the cross-pollination. The objective of this study is to investigate the distribution of insects in the soybean field in Taiwan and their influence on pollination. In addition, the range of pollen dispersal distance was also evaluated. This information provides an useful reference for preventing pollen flow of soybean. The study shows that some pollinator insects, such as honeybee and Thripidae, can be caught in the field regardless of using insect adhesive trap or sweep net sampling methods. Insects mentioned previously were the potential pollinators of the soybean. In addition, the result of outcrossing rate showed that only little outcrossing was detected in our study. The average outcrossing rate was 0.07% at 1.2 m from pollen source, 0.13% at 3 m from pollen source, and 0% beyond 3 m. Therefore, the recommended isolation distance is 10 m for co-existence of GM and non-GM soybeans.
