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篇名 Grey relational analysis between agronomic characters and maturity of sugarcane
卷期 35:2
並列篇名 甘蔗農藝性狀對其成熟度之灰關聯分析
作者 黃文達許明晃楊志維黃盟元趙璧玉楊棋明
頁次 109-118
關鍵字 SugarcaneAgronomic characterMaturityGrey relational analysis甘蔗農藝性狀成熟度灰關聯分析TSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6274/WSSROC-2014-0035(2)-109




This study applied grey system theory to analyze the relationship between eight agronomic characters including plant height, leaf fresh weight, leaf dry weight, leaf water content, internodes number of dead-leaf stalk, internodes number of green-leaf stalk, juice brix of dead-leaf stalk and juice brix of green-leaf stalk, and the maturity of sugarcane. The contribution degrees of agronomic characters, indicated by grey order, to maturity of sugarcane were: juice brix of green-leaf stalk > leaf dry weight > juice brix of dead-leaf stalk > plant height > internodes number of green-leaf stalk > leaf fresh weight > leaf water content > internodes number of dead-leaf stalk. Therefore, the juice brix of green-leaf stalk and dead-leaf stalk, leaf dry weight and plant height were the most critical characters to the maturity of sugarcane. The result based on grey relational analysis might be used as a valuable reference on the field management of sugarcane.
