
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 再論國家元首之權威在 Schmitt理論中之意義:與〈人格權威與政治秩序的形成〉一文商榷
卷期 50
並列篇名 On Schmitt’s Conception of the Authority of the Head of State: A Different View from “The Personal Authority and the Formation of Political Order”
作者 楊尚儒
頁次 101-156
關鍵字 權威權力國家元首康斯坦中立權力憲法守護者authoritypowerhead of stateConstantneutral powerguardian of the constitutionTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.3966/168451532014090050003




Beginning with Prof. Chung’s essay “The Personal Authority and the Formation of Political Order”, it is to discussin this article how Schmitt interprets the constitutional status and role of the head of state with the institutional distinction between “authority” (Autorität) and “power” (Macht). Schmitt states—based on Constant's conception of the “pouvoirneutre”—the political function of the king as head of state in a parliamentary monarchy and of the powerful king in the German constitutional monarchy in 19th Century. To interpret the President of the Weimar Republic as the “neutral power”, Schmitt justifies the authoritative position of the President and his role as the guardian of the constitution. At last, in Schmitt’s thought, the President in the ordinary status, although he possesses the extraordinary power, is declared merely as a head of state with authority, but not the political leader that has active power.
