
政治與社會哲學評論 THCITSSCI

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篇名 霍布斯論自然法與政治義務
卷期 50
並列篇名 Thomas Hobbes: The Laws of Nature and Political Obligation
作者 周家瑜
頁次 059-100
關鍵字 霍布斯政治義務事實政治權力同意自然法Thomas HobbesPolitical Obligationde facto Political PowerConsentThe Laws of NatureTHCITSSCI
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.3966/168451532014090050002




In this essay I examine the role and function of Hobbes’s account of the laws of nature in his political theory by reconsidering the basis of his concept of political obligation. This essay takes issue with common readings of Hobbes which either considers Hobbesian laws of nature is nothing but counsels from reason(which provides no obligations) or mere hypothetical imperatives(which at best justify prudential obligations). To argue against the common readings, this essay argues that Hobbesian laws of nature is essential to understanding Hobbes’s concept of political obligation because they provide some kind of natural duty by which an effective “reasonable consent” can be defined. In addition, to argue against the view of de facto theory, I argue that both “Consent” and “Safety” are the necessary conditions of Hobbesian conception of political obligation.
